For Flight Paramedics

The FP-C Examination

The Certified Flight Paramedic (FP-C) Examination consists of 110 scored items and 25 unscored items. The candidate is provided 2.5 hours to complete the examination. The certification is focused on the knowledge level of accomplished, experienced master-level paramedics currently working with a Flight and /or Critical Care Transport Team(s). The questions on the examination are designed to measure this specialty area of paramedicine, not entry-level knowledge of the paramedic. The candidate is expected to have mastery of the knowledge of current critical care transport medicine standards and the experienced paramedic's skills and knowledge.

As you prepare for the examination, please consider the variety of mission profiles throughout the spectrum of transport medicine. Please remember this examination tests the candidate's overall knowledge of the transport environment, not the specifics of one individual program. Just because your program does not complete IABP transports, does not mean you will not have questions related to these types of transports. Likewise, if your program is not CAMTS accredited, you still need to understand the basics of the accreditation standards for the examination.

Click here for the Handbook

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